
Welcome to My New World Cinema Blog

  • Boy

    November 11, 2019 by

    Boy is a movie made is 2010 and directed by Taika Waititi. This movie has an ongoing debate if it is considered fourth cinema or not. This was shot in New Zealand and gave the boy a tribal background. “neglected children, absent fathers, bullying, minors running drugs, gang members, violence, swearing, sexual references, kids boozing… Read more

  • Faat Kine

    November 6, 2019 by

    A sembene film written and directed in 2000 by Ousmane Sembene. The film shines a light on post-colonial although not explained to a great extent however it is woven into the narrative. Summery: Faat Kine was a successful gas station her two children urge her and Uncle jean to start a relationship however Uncle jean… Read more

  • Metropolis

    November 1, 2019 by

    Directed by Fritz lang is a silent filmed called Metropolis. The film is is considered a German cinema with a German expressionist style. The expressionist style is shown by the contrast in the movie with higher and lower class. Summery: The year 2026 in Metropolis in which the area has been sliced into half causing… Read more

  • The crime of padre amaro

    October 28, 2019 by

    A romantic drama made in 2002 directed by Carlos Carrera. The United States tabled this movie as “Morally offensive” because of multiple actions that occur in the movie such as The movie shows a priest breaking the law, Amaro helps Amelia to get an illegal abortion, and sheds a light on the Mexican institution. When… Read more

  • In the mood for love

    October 22, 2019 by

    Two couples living in the same building with two of them having an affair with each other. One day the two who are getting cheated on figure it out together which makes them come together and become friends. The two try to figure out how and when the affairs started. The two friends fell in… Read more

  • The five obstructions

    October 17, 2019 by

    The first obstruction: Remaking the film however this time the challenges Leth has is having a shot no longer than twelve frames while answering questions that occurred in the original film while also filming in Cuba with being creative with no sets aloud while filming. The Second obstruction: Leth plays the role of “The man”… Read more

  • Seven Samurai

    October 16, 2019 by

    A village is being attacked by bandits and a samurai that was facing difficult times comes to the rescue of a villages cry for help in protection of the bandits. The first samurai request six other samurais. The samurais then teach some of the village how to fight to protect their land and people. When… Read more

  • Bicycle Thief

    September 24, 2019 by

    Summary: A unemployed man named Antonio lives in Italy in which he struggles to provide for his family during postwar times. During the film Antonio has finally been given an opportunity to work hanging posters around the city however he needs a bike to do so. Antonios wife suggests selling the nice sheets they had… Read more

  • The man with a movie camera

    September 17, 2019 by

    Summery: This film is a montage that was taken to show the life of the Soviet Union. The film is a montage consisting in multiple film shots that shows off filming techniques. The film films almost everything form the cameraman making the film to the film itself. The movie showed the life in the Soviet… Read more

  • 400 Blows

    September 16, 2019 by

    400 Blows summary: The movie takes place in Paris in 1950 and is a story about a boy named Antoine Doinel. When viewed from other characters in the movie Antoine is a troublemaker which means he is watched more than others, however Antoine does get into trouble a lot with lying steeling and skips school… Read more

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